Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dream Box

A dream box.......below is the story about it....

he told me he had a dream...for the first time he told me about it .....and listening to him tell me made me feel the love ... 

it superb dreams make a difference.....then be it any stupid dream or a sexy dream heheh

 we go to a beach ,we trek to a unreacheble mountain house on a rainy day,we run across a bridge ...see all the animal pass by can be just any thing..dream are crazzy yaaar i mean dreams amaazze me sometime..infact every time... 

u are like superman out ther,...everything possible can do whatever you want ...... 

u know smtime when we like to compose our dreams

 i mean we are awake of the sleep still we like to try to sleep just to keep the ending happy or...see the climax of the dream..

 and im not joking im saying this with personal experience........

 its fun see who gave you that hug ...who kissed u in middle of the airport......

 how come you have a tiger cub as pet .......i love dreaming ...

 but yes it Way different then day dreaming ....thats a separate thing in itself .....hehhehe

 i know there nightmares tooo

 i have been told and i believe that "lif is THE way you wanna take it "

 if you think your life is confusing it will be..

if u think it free of everything it will be.... it just the way the mystery organ "brain" function 

 i know it easy to say ,but i myself hardly do anything .. 

i mean i know im hapy in evry terms....but smtime i get complicated as i get confused a lot... which is common in girls i guess...heheh 

verything u thkin can lead to dream.... u wanna make it true can happen ..determination is the word....that need to be defined by you but im a lazy bird...bigtime.....stil here just dreaming about stuff's but anyways i love doing it though ..... 

i guess blogging away ur dream and your tghts is like ...putting away all your dreams in this dream box......all to your self together in one place but still .open to all......... 

cz there no boundaries to happiness when it all may just suddenly comes TRUE..... that the hope that may keep me writing i guess....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

2 Minute Revolution

I simply cannot forget that day 
The first time i was out of mumbai,i was in mysore for training ......
my first day at the parent dropped me there and left 
 ..and it was a day of mixed feeling ....i happy about the new adventure...and sad and missing my best frnd suppi and my parents off course....
i dint feel like eating anything the whole day..but finally 
at night yes hunger get over it hehehhehe
10pm in the night ,i went  a bit late then the scheduled time for dinner  at the mess...
and guess wht first day and the dinner is all over....
cudnt get more mad 

 Then suddenly the guy at the counter calls me and says
"There is Maggi noodles if u want ....that can be made quick" and my answer was obviously yes....
It  tasted the best that night ...smhow.....the same old thing....but yet it did....

Maggi-- That's what i call two minute revolution 

Maggi what basically is a two minute instant noodles is the survival food of all the bachelors guys and gals  who don't know how to cook anything but knw how to get a maggi made....
its the most famous treat in hostel ...where its not even allowed to get and burn a gas burner 
The hostel gals and guys will smuggle and make Maggi...
Forget the ppl living by their own..
Maggi in any form taste heavenly if u are hungry and want to hog on smthing that shud be ready in a jiffy....
Maggi was named  by the owner of the original company Juilius Maggi founded 136 years ago...
Just imagine how old this invention is .......and still we cannot have enuf of it.....
guess writing this itself made me hungry .......heheh bbye for now....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Free Advice

This is a big question .. do you like free advices?
i mean when u are talking on call with smone and sm one says "oh i think u shud do that ..."
or when u are in a train conversing with ur friend and ppl around free free to use what they think is their birth right and plunge into your conversation,....
or when it come to others and esp elders....
"this is gud for you..i advice this shud be done ........u are Wrong here"
and the very next another elder will come and speak in the exactly opposite direction and just simply gift you another option for increasing your confusion

i dunno i mean how do really find out whose advice to follow ...or how to really decide
who's advice is advice able for yourself

my parents never really interfered in my decision they have always trusted me with my decisions
So its difficult when ppl give u free advices even when u don't ask them,for me its like they are questioning my ability......i know not all mean that in fact most of them don't ..
but still thats my take....

but still the questions do you know whose advice to follow....
i have to still figure out that ....

i guess i Will definitely edit this post when i know it

Monday, September 1, 2008

Confused Soul

My name is such a simple name...but i never tght..i can get sooo complicated....i really dunno what to name this blog i mean usual im confused...i guess eveyone gets confused sm day of then time all time...but for me its jut getting a habbit now.....i odnt like it when others are confused i hate that....
my frnz says extremes either i realy love smthing else i just hate it .it cant cm in between....
i always think about writing but still get bored even by the tght of i mean ..
like i really feel like reading this blog again ,...but nahi i wont...
im i the only stupid person on this earth feeling like this or if i have company i wud really lik eto know

how does feel to feel stupid smtimes...??
that my question to all..

i really wanna know evryones answers...
i dont wanna write this blog so that its read by al...i just wanna write it cz..i just want to...its my mood...
this shows im damn moody ....
yes thats me..but i dont like to coin my writing just becz ppl wud read it and they shud like it..
i dont wanna care even if they hate it....
i just dont wana care....
it difficult to do it though .."DONT care" i meant...

jab kisne thodi si bhi baat kardi blog ke baaremin toh i will listen and feel bad abt the feed back or be happy if by sm struck the guy likes it ..hehehhe
i mean call it underestimation or whatever.....i think there not many ppl who think like me.....
ya on the contrary ..there are tooo many ppl thinking like me .....

OKAY i just name my blog"confused soul" cz thats what im feeling

 and the first right thing i did after that is spelt OKAY not OK hehhehe
i knw its not funny but i find it funny friends callme queen of sad jokes ....
it fun making fun of smone...but there a different kind of fun if you are on the other side....
although i absolutely hate being one..but dunno y still i fall for my loved hurts and hits smtime.....
its just how i take it ......
but u know what we need to draw a line smtimes with evryone.....
i mean evryone
else u loose ur self respect.
ppl who are geting bored reading this ..please i request to stop reading......just in case any one was.....
cz im not continuing further this post is more of a frustration outlet then being a post .....
so bbye for today......